Pantalica tour

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  • Necropoli di Pantalica

    Pantalica tour

    Pantalica Necropoli nord

    Pantalica è uno dei siti più rappresentativi dell'area iblea. In questa riserva, natura, storia e archeologia si fondono offrendo al visitatore uno scenario unico e suggestivo. Una necropoli risalente all'Età del Bronzo, patrimonio dell’Unesco, con 5000 tombe rupestri si staglia lungo bianche e strapiombanti pareti calcaree. Nel fondovalle scorre il fiume Anapo, che costituisce un habitat ideale per un raro salmonide autoctono: la “trota macrostigma”.

  • Pantalica trekking

    Pantalica Trekking

    Enjoyable hiking to Pantalica nature reserve. Experience the unique emotions that only a site like this can offer. Our guides will lead you along the paths of the largest reserve in the province of Siracusa, always guaranteeing maximum reliability and safety. This hiking experience, that can be adapted both beginners and enthusiast, offers the opportunity to visit even the less known and touristic places. In fact, following a circular route, it will be possible to know the impressive bronze age necropolis and the fascinating Byzantine rock-cut settlements, perfectly set in the variegated ecosystem that characterize this important Nature Reserve, listed as Unesco site in 2005 due to its very important historical and natural heritage.

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